Friday, May 16, 2008

Proper of Seasons completed!!!

Finally the day has come: The Proper of Seasons is complete--aside from proofing and error checking. Any help in this regard is greatly appreciated. I've started work on the Proper of Saints. To keep things simple, I've just started at the beginning of the Liturgical Year (in the case of the Proper of Seasons, Nov 29), and I'm working my way through sequentially. I've completed all entries through the end of December. My great hope is to have the Proper of Seasons completed in the next 2-3 months.

A couple of notes: I've had to change the layout in order to accommodate the Proper of Saints. This means moving the Proper of Seasons in front of the Ordinary. The new order is as follows:

Proper of Seasons,
Proper of Saints,
Common of Saints.

The other major change I've had to make is the removal of the Matins psalms. Unfortunately, Lulu has a page limit of 740. This is only a temporary fix: even after removing the Matins psalms, the new version is at 730 pages, with only one month of the Proper of Saints. My current plan is to do a professional printing once everything is done. More on this as time progresses.