Sunday, January 16, 2011

Proper of Seasons completely revised

I just finished the revisions of the Proper of Seasons, and have uploaded the latest versions:


Breviarium 5x8 (Lulu format)

There are numerous updates:
- English translations updated
- All rubrics in parallel Latin/English
- Formatting changes
- Errors/typos fixed
- More page references included

I've tried to condense things like headings to make the text more compact. With the space I've saved, I expanded many things that were merely included by reference before. This should (hopefully) reduce page-flipping significantly. The rubrics have also been expanded, so hopefully that will help with ease of use.

Disclaimer: I tried to proofread while I was working, but I will be going back through line-by-line to make sure. Please let me know if you find any errors or typos. I'm also going to make a pass through the Ordinary, Psalter, and Common of Saints, proofing and updating.

Oh, and I also set things up so that I get notified if someone makes a comment. I've been pretty bad about noticing those in the past (sorry!), but that should be fixed now.

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