I've just posted an update, and here's the highlights of what's included:
The Proper of Seasons is now complete from the beginning of Lent through the 24th and last Sunday after Pentecost. **Note** Advent through Septuagesima is not included. This, as well as the Office for the Dead, will be my next task.
I've also done some major work on the Hymns. I have reviewed All of the Hymns in the Ordinary, Psalter, and Commons of Saints, and have attempted to find the "best" English translations for the hymns. I've added a reference line at the bottom of the hymns giving the name of the translator.
Just a quick note, A friend caught a typo in the prayer associated with the Marian Antiphon III at the end of Compline. "gladdness" should be "gladness". I apologize, but I caught this error after made the PDF's and uploaded them, and I didn't have time to redo everything. I've fixed it in my source files, and it'll get updated with the next round of revisions. Sorry for any inconvenience.
As always, please let me know if you find any typos or errors, and I'll fix them as quickly as possible!
The Diurnal is currently available for download as a PDF file, which can be found here: http://stores.lulu.com/breviary