Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I received an email today from Lulu giving a list of purchases. Much to my chagrin I found that somehow a very old copy of my Diurnal had somehow regained active status, and that some poor soul had purchased it.

I believe I inadvertently caused this when I was attempting to revise an old "large print" version. I wanted to update it, so that I could offer a new large print edition (8.5"x11" size). Somehow during this process, the old copy was reactivated. I've since fixed the problem.

I feel just awful about this, as the copy purchased is probably about a year out of date, and almost certainly missing a good deal of the Propers. I have no way to know who this person is; I have no access to Lulu purchase information. If you are this poor soul, please email me at, and I will make this right.

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